Getting started with Power BI Desktop

Power BI Desktop lets you create a collection of queries, data connections, and reports that can easily be shared with others. Power BI Desktop integrates proven Microsoft technologies – the powerful Query engine, data modeling, and visualizations – and works seamlessly with the online

With the combination of Power BI Desktop (where analysts and others can create powerful data connections, models and reports) and the Power BI service (where Power BI Desktop reports can be shared so users can view and interact with them), new insights from the world of data are easier to model, build, share, and extend.

Data analysts will find Power BI Desktop a powerful, flexible, and a highly accessible tool to connect with and shape the world of data, build robust models, and craft well-structured reports.


How Power BI Desktop works

With Power BI Desktop, you connect to data (usually multiple data sources), shape that data (with queries that build insightful, compelling data models), and use that model to create reports (which others can leverage, build upon, and share).

When the steps are completed to your satisfaction – connect, shape, and report – you can save that work in Power BI Desktop file format, which is the .pbix extension. Power BI Desktop files can be shared like any other file, but the most compelling way to share Power BI Desktop files is to upload them (share them) on the Power BI service.

Link development integrate Power BI capabilities with world-leading GIS and mapping solutions, such as Bing and esri, to create color-coded, interactive geo-dashboards that create a bird’s eye view of your organization performance across multiple locations and branches. .